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Year 6 in Wales


N - I wish I didn't get mud and thorns on me

Sharmeen - Year 6, looks like you had a blast! I'm jealous!

Yaaqub - I love Canon Barnett

A - Where’s the rest of the pictures I can only see pictures of day one and two where’s the picture of ameen and hamza sleeping 😂😂

Hamza - I loved wales and it was amazing

Aqib - It was a really great trip! We enjoyed it

Amatullah - Awwww so happy for them..They look like they are having a blast !!!!

Mohammed R - Not me on PS4 realising they don't do Gorsefield anymore??

Fariha I. - Can’t believe you guys actually went to another country! It looks really lovely!

Fariha I. - I wish there was an opportunity like that when I was in year 6. Looks wonderful!

Nicola O. - What an exciting adventure you're having! Enjoy the beautiful views, new experiences and fresh air.

Peter - You all look as if you are having a fantastic time, I wish I was there with you all.

Stacey V. - It’s looking amazing so far :)

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