Canon Barnett School Logo


If children are to be successful at school and achieve to the highest levels then they must attend school regularly.

Attendance is monitored daily and we will telephone the parents of all absent children straight away to ask why their child is not in school.  It would be a great help to us if you could telephone and let us know if your child is too ill to come to school. It is important for all our children to attend school regularly, including the nursery and reception classes.  Doctors, dentist and optician appointments should all be made for after school or weekends.

If you do not have a valid reason for your child being absent from school then the absence will be recorded as unauthorized. This means that your child has truanted from school. It also means that it will be brought to the attention of the Attendance Welfare Officer who also monitors children’s attendance.

Please remember that holidays in school time are not allowed. If you want to take your child out of school for a holiday then you must get the head teacher’s permission. You must fill in a form which states why you want to take your child away from their lessons and when they will be returning to school. Permission will only be granted in exceptional circumstances as it is damaging to children’s education to miss any lesson time. If permission is granted and the child does not return to school on the agreed date then they will be taken off roll and their place offered to another child.

If in an emergency you have to take your child out of school during the day then you must come to the office first.  Please note that if you have a hospital/doctors/dentist appointment then we would wish to see the medical card with the time and date.


"Learning activities meet pupils' needs and interests and provides them with appropriate challenge, including for the most able pupils."

- Ofsted, March 2018