Canon Barnett School Logo


Mulberry Canon Barnett Primary is proud to be part of the Mulberry Schools Trust family

On Thursday 1st June 2023, Canon Barnett Primary School was renamed Mulberry Canon Barnett Primary following the transfer of the school to the Mulberry Schools Trust. To reflect this change, all policies are in the process of being updated by the Trust.

As far as is practicable, all existing policies will continue to take effect post-transfer, unless in direct and unavoidable conflict with a relevant Mulberry Schools Trust policy where the provisions of the latter will take precedence.

You can request a paper copy of these documents, or any information on our website from the school office.

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy - Primary Schools (Please See Policy on Trust website)

Anti-Bullying Policy

Assessment Policy

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy Guide for Parents

Behaviour Policy

Calculation Policy

Charging Policy - (Please See Policy on Trust website)

Collective Worship Policy

Complaints Procedure - (Please see policy on Trust website)

Confidentiality Policy

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Drug Education Policy

Early Years Policy

Education of Looked After Children Policy

Educational Visits Policy

End of the Day Policy

Exclusion Policy - (Please see policy on Trust website)

First Aid Policy

Governors Code of Conduct

Health and Safety Policy

Holidays and Leave in Term Time

Home School Agreement Policy

Homework Policy

Information Governance Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Keeping children safe in education

Mathematics Policy

Medical Needs Policy

Mental Health Policy

New Arrivals Policy

Online-Safety Policy

Physical Intervention Policy

Positive Handling Policy

Prevent Strategy March 2024

Privacy Notice

PSHE Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding Visitor Control and Physical Security

Safer Code of Conduct Policy

Safer Recruitment Policy

School Equality and Diversity Plan

School Funding Agreement

SEND Information Report

Special Educational Needs Policy

Staff Disciplinary Policy

Supporting Pupils with Long-Term Medical Conditions

The Use of Children's Images in School

Traffic Management Plan

Visitors Policy

Whistleblowing Policy - (Please see policy on Trust website)

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Central Record of Recruitment and Vetting Checks — Live SCR database (ongoing)

Register of pupils’ admission — Live database (ongoing)

Register of pupils’ attendance — Live database (ongoing)

Premises Management — Mulberry Canon Barnett Primary incorporates premises management duties into its health and safety policies and risk assessments.

About Us

"Learning activities meet pupils' needs and interests and provides them with appropriate challenge, including for the most able pupils."

- Ofsted, March 2018