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PHSE at Mulberry Canon Barnett

At Mulberry Canon Barnett our PHSE teaching aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.

We have a whole school approach to the teaching of Personal, Health, Social and Economic education through the use of the Jigsaw scheme of work.  There are six puzzles taught across the year, which follow and build upon previous learning. The whole school will be learning about the same topic but at a level that is appropriate to their age.

The units of work are called puzzles and have the following themes:

  1. Being Me
  2. Celebrating Differences
  3. Dreams and Goals
  4. Healthy Me
  5. Relationships
  6. Changing Me

Each of these topics is launched in a whole school assembly by the subject lead. Throughout the lessons children are encouraged to be aware of their thoughts and feelings and are given opportunities to reflect on their behaviours and attitudes. A variety of games, stories, film clips help to make the learning fun and interesting and our children tell us they really enjoy the lessons.

Our School Council share their ideas at the East 1 School Partnership Pupil Parliament



"Learning activities meet pupils' needs and interests and provides them with appropriate challenge, including for the most able pupils."

- Ofsted, March 2018