Canon Barnett School Logo

Welcome from the Headteacher

Welcome to Mulberry Canon Barnett Primary.

I am proud to lead a school that is warm and friendly, and where every child is known and encouraged by our dedicated staff team. Our school is a place where the talents of children are nurtured by ensuring that everyone understands that they can always improve. We encourage ambition and a belief that you should be the best you can. Our curriculum encourages creativity and independent thought through carefully planned learning experiences which meet the needs of each individual. Academic excellence is important for us and we strive to continually improve our exam results. We also value the arts, sport and the personal development of every school member as we see this as inspiring education for enjoyment and life. We love the fact that our school is situated in the vibrant community of the East End of London which offers many fantastic opportunities for children to expand their learning. We develop children who are part of a global world giving them the skills and talents to contribute to the local community and beyond. We are proud that our children want to succeed and be high achievers and through our vision and values are committed to making this happen.

We aspire to be part of a community where we are continually being innovative and reflective, learning from other schools and partnerships, where all are encouraged to be leaders. If you believe that these are the things that are important to you, then please come and visit us.

Sarah Jane Bellerby
Executive Headteacher


Our Vision

Mulberry Canon Barnett is committed to striving for excellence in all that we do at the school. Our vision is that pupils become creative and ambitious learners who strive to do their best at all times because they are motivated and guided by outstanding teams within the school. They will be able to contribute to their local community and understand how their actions impact on a wider, global world. They will be caring citizens who know how to keep themselves safe and who realise that they have a role to play in looking after others. As we continue to develop our teaching and our curriculum we are aiming for outstanding in all that we do.


About Us

"Learning activities meet pupils' needs and interests and provides them with appropriate challenge, including for the most able pupils."

- Ofsted, March 2018