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   Red Nose Day 2021

 As always, our community has rallied around to support those in need. It was great to see the children in red or superheroes costumes and we have had some great designs for red noses.

So far we have raised an amazing £114 on our Justgiving page but there is still time to donate.


Lily yr3 - Yaey!!

mahira YR6 - It was really fun when we got to make red noses and decorate them

Rahib - It was cool

Tashfi YR 6 - I enjoyed it, especially when I got to read with my friends. Naziha, mahira, kishuwa and samia.

Samia YR6 - It was fun :)

Danyal YR 6 - We couldn’t celebrate Red Nose Day with the other classes but it was still amazing

Ibraheem H Y6 - It was fun today making our red noses and telling jokes. I liked when I played a joke on Rebekah and all the activities we did today.

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- Ofsted, March 2018