Canon Barnett School Logo


This half-term the school will be closed to most children. We will be open for the children of key workers and vulnerable children. Please contact the school if you would believe you qualify for a place. Our nursery is also open. However due to our risk assessment and staff availability we may only be able to offer limited places: key worker and vulnerable children will have priority. 

Even though the school building is closed, learning will still continue. We have remote learning in place to support your child during this time. Please ensure that your child is completing the work set, attending the live sessions with their teachers and uploading their learning onto their google classroom log-in. If you need any support with this, please contact the school. If you do not have internet access, then please contact the school so we can support your child's learning in a suitable way.

Guidance for bringing your child to school

  • Families must adhere to social distancing whilst waiting outside the gate
  • Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 parents will drop their child/ren off at the gate and will not be allowed into the playground except for pick up
  • Parents must wear face masks, children are not require to wear face masks in school
  • Nursery, Reception and Y1 parents will be allowed to enter the playground and must socially distance from other parents
  • Only 1 parent allowed to come in to the school playground
  • If you need to speak to the class teacher then you must call the school office on 020 7247 9023 or send a message via WhatsApp on 07340 411995 and messages will be given to the class teacher
  • Office access is by appointed only unless urgent. Please call the school office if you would like to come into school

Bubbles during Spring 1s lockdown.

Bubble / Year group

Start time

Finish time

Bubble 1 - Nursery (part of the reception, year 1 and 2 bubble)



Bubble 1 - Reception, Year 1 and 2 



Bubble 3 - Year 3 and 4



Bubble 4 - Y5 and Y6



What should my child bring with them to school?

  • Every child needs to bring a water bottle, this should be labelled with their name
  • Pupils can bring a snack in to school as normal 
  • Pupils can bring in their school bag but contents should be limited (book, water bottle, snack)
  • Children should bring their learning pack to support learning at school (e.g. their reading books). 
  • Shoes suitable for running

If you or your child are showing symptoms of Covid-19 (high temperature, new persistent cough, lack of taste/smell) then you must not come in to the school grounds. Please contact the school office and arrange for a Covid-19 test to be carried out.

Government Guidance

The Government has published information about what parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges in the autumn term.

Information and Resources

Visitors to the School


"Learning activities meet pupils' needs and interests and provides them with appropriate challenge, including for the most able pupils."

- Ofsted, March 2018