Canon Barnett School Logo



Our vision at Mulberry Canon Barnett is to give children a Science Curriculum which enables them to explore and discover scientific phenomena in the world around them confidently and independently. In order to achieve this, we offer our children engaging, practical and purposeful experiences that encourage curiosity with opportunities to ask and answer questions, take risks, experiment, reflect, and learn from their mistakes.

We believe stimulating and challenging experiences secure and extend scientific knowledge and vocabulary and provide children with the skills which not only equip them for an ever-changing world but help them become lifelong enquirers.

Principles of Good Science Teaching and Learning at Mulberry Canon Barnett Primary

  1. Science is good when it is practical, engaging and purposeful.
  2. Science is good when children can explain their learning confidently, scientifically and precisely.
  3. Science is good when it has meaningful links with the whole curriculum.
  4. Science is good when children are given opportunities to be independent enquirers.
  5. Science is good when the outcomes are clear to the teachers and the children.
  6. Science is good when it inspires children to work scientifically beyond their school work.



"Learning activities meet pupils' needs and interests and provides them with appropriate challenge, including for the most able pupils."

- Ofsted, March 2018